Tip-It! is a social buying site which will be offering discounts of up to 90% off restaurants, spas, bars, clubs, and shops in Singapore which you love! Tip-It! leverages on the power of social networks to help bring you great deals and to discover great places in Singapore.
They will be launching by the end of this week and some of the amazing deals they have lined up for you include :
• Pamper yourself with an 80% off body massage package at Rustic Nirvana
• Indulge in Tanyoto’s famous steamboat menu at almost half the price
• Experience a range of dance classes with Recognise! Studios with 40% savings
In the mean time, stand a chance to Win an iPod Shuffle and other great prizes by signing up to their newsletter at www.tip-it.com.sg. Details of the draw can be found at www.tip-it.com.sg/ win.
Also, don’t forget to join them on their Facebook page for the latest updates on news and deals and to join in their community at http://tiny.cc/fgm7v.
So go on over and sign up for their newsletter at "www.tip-it.com.sg" now!
How Tip-It! Works :