Yay, Happy anniversary baby ! :)
I love sunflowers !
On the way to town ~
Steamboat ! Favourite !! :D
Bryan and Tanny..
Baby ~ Was so full that day. Ate alot of beef and mushroom.
Bryan and Tanny..
Baby ~ Was so full that day. Ate alot of beef and mushroom.
Went to KTV the other day with baby, Jek, Kelvin they all.
Yeahh ! Im so happy, finally i get to sing ! Im good at singing k ? haha.
Hahaha, see tran was enjoying the song too. LOL ! :D
Had been watching movie with bf, bryan and tanny. These are all the movies that we watched last week. We are movie freaks ! hahaha. =X
Had been watching movie with bf, bryan and tanny. These are all the movies that we watched last week. We are movie freaks ! hahaha. =X
*P.S : I wanna go overseas ! Get myself out of SG please ! Singapore is so boring ! Time to shop for CNY ! :) Im getting myself an iphone, i got blackberry yes, and it's awesome ! Cause baby lost my ipod-touch in camp, =( Erm, iphone and itouch got no much difference right ? LOL, Well, i can just use it as an ipod instead. ♥