Yay, many many many ang bao ~ I love that ! :DDI had won 200 bucks during gamble last night ! Thought i don't really have the luck in gamble.
I like this chongsam dress.
Chu er, bai nian bai nian ~ Happy moo moo year. :D
My dearest desiree sis and i. Do i look very different with light make up ? :)
Gamble at my place the whole night, this is my man tai during mah jong session.Yay, iam very happy ! :DD
Yes yes, it's not too late to say Happy Lunar New Year to everyone ! :)Got alot things and photos to blog hahaha, I just came back to Singapore..
CNY shopping, i bought the same chongsam as naomi. And a few stuffs.Those corsets are sponsored by a lingerie company, well i will do the advertorial soon !
Guess heels, they are having sales, bought them at 80 bucks only, cheap right ? :DD
This is me with fake lash only.. Look alot younger ? Desiree said that to me. =X
New bottle of feragamo perfume - Yes it's SHINE ! :)*P.S : CNY is so great for me and i just came back from a short trip. So relax. Bad news that i got flu right now. Went to the clinic earlier with baby. I have lots lots lots of photos to upload and alot advertorials to do too. =X But now, iam gonna take my medicine and head to bed. Good night and happy lunar new year to everyone ! Hugs. ♥
*P.P.S : Baby is not in sg, so sad. Rahhh !! He will be away for two weeks. Iam so lonely ~
But it's okie, i still got my honey naomi by my side, she asks me to move to her place and stay with her for two weeks, hahaha. So sweet of her. Yea i will go over to her place once i finished doing my advertorials ! Iam gonna do my nails and gonna gamble on tuesday and wednesday ! :)