Weee ! My holiday is coming, too bad it's only one day through. Iam still kinda excited about it, baby's gonna spend 1k on me. Hahahaha. :D Then my cosmetic is coming as well. Woo ! Watched 10,000 bc earlier at cine. Another touching love story. Then then Iam so desperate to see the playeur magazine march issue. Friends please buy okie ? LOL. It will be a happy and romantic day for me tomorrow, so please don't call me later ! I won't be switched on my phone. I wanna ' Er ren shi jie ' ! Hahaha. ♥ I love beaches, sand, sea and the feeling of wearing long lacy dress holding hands with my beloved walking by the seaside. Relax and forget about all other things. That's what i really really wanna do right now ~ Alright, iam going to bed. Good nights ! heh :)